Q: Which of these characters do you want to be your companion?
November 14's poll results are in, and it was neck-and-neck across the board this time! There was even a tie for second place―let's check out the top three companions and see why some of you chose them.
#1: Shadow's companion, Interceptor (FFVI)

"Fiercely loyal, and the friend of my fave FF6 character? Shadow is [the] best boy!"
"Who doesn't want a ninja dog?"
"He's a trusted and loyal protector, and he eats strangers. ;)"
#2: Wol's companion, Echo (Mobius FF)

"Echo starts out pretty typical, but she’s become a real highlight of the story for me!"
"She's cute and motivates us to do our best! :)"
"Echo always knows the best words to say, either to encourage or to mock someone!!"
#2: Rinoa's companion, Angelo (FFVIII)

"Because that dog can suplex a behemoth!"
"Angelo's the best! She finds items, cures/revives friends and grants invinciblity for treats!"
"This dog is willing to be used as ammunition. Good boy!"
It seems lots of FF fans love dogs! Other candidates that got very close to the top three included Bartz's companion Boko the chocobo from FFV and Kurasame's companion Tonberry from FF Type-0.
FINAL FANTASY CRYSTAL CHRONICLES: The Crystal Bearers was released in Japan on November 12, 2009!
Do you remember Keiss, gravity-bending crystal bearer Layle's trusty companion? If you had a companion of your own, which of the FINAL FANTASY characters below do you think would be the most reliable partner?
Q: Which of these characters do you want to be your companion?
Bartz's companion, Boko (FFV)

Faris's companion, Syldra (FFV)

Gilgamesh's companion, Enkidu (FFV)

Shadow's companion, Interceptor (FFVI)

Rinoa's companion, Angelo (FFVIII)

Kurasame's companion, Tonberry (FF Type-0)

The caravanners' companion in single-player mode, Mog (FFCC)

Wol's companion, Echo (Mobius FF)

Poll Duration:
November 14–November 21, 2019, 7:59 (GMT)
Cast your vote from the FF Portal App!
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