• 26 Mar. 2020

FF Weekly: FFVII Special Part 4

FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE will be released on April 10th, 2020! Leading up to that, we’ll cover various key terms and concepts associated with FINAL FANTASY VII to prep for the big day. In our fourth entry, we’ll take a look at the Shinra Electric Power Company.

The company started as an arms manufacturer, but upon discovering how to harvest the mako energy flowing through the planet, it quickly grew into a giant corporation.

The Shinra Electric Power Company’s logo

The company’s massive headquarters and its eight mako reactors have come to symbolize Midgar’s technological and economic greatness.

(top) Original / (bottom) REMAKE
The Shinra Building is a symbol of the company’s power and prominence. Look at how it towers over the city!

(top) Cloud looks up at the Sector 1 mako reactor in one of the earliest scenes of FINAL FANTASY VII!
(bottom) The same scene appears in FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE.

The Shinra Electric Power Company is run by President Shinra, whom the company is named after. He is ruthless, willing to eliminate anything or anyone that stands in the way of his goals.

To protect its precious mako supply, the company controls several armed forces, including the infamous SOLDIERs―a unit of elite troopers Sephiroth once belonged to―and the Turks, a covert task force willing to see any assignment through, no matter how atypical.

Reno, the Turks’ ace member, has an aloof demeanor that belies his consummate professionalism and fierce loyalty―especially when it comes to his partner Rude.

Rude―another member of the Turks―is the strong, silent type, but beneath his tough-as-nails persona is a softer side, one that very few get to see.

What part will Shinra and the Turks play in FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE? We’ll have to find out when the game releases on April 10th!

FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE will be available for the PlayStation®4 computer entertainment system on April 10, 2020. The FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE Demo is available to download now for the PlayStation®4 system at:

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