• 7 Feb. 2022

FF Weekly: January 27th Poll Results

The results for our poll asking which of the Shinra Electronic Power Company's divisions you want to work under are in! Let's take a look at your top two choices and some comments for each!

1st Place: Urban Development

“Reeve is a good person, who envisions a better life for all citizens. It would be an honour.”
“Seems like the only division were I could actually help the people forced to deal with Shinra.”
“Because taking care of the people should be the priority of any government. Also Reeve!”
“I think the real opportunity to do good for people would be in urban development.”

2nd Place: Administrative Research

“I like to travel, which the Turks do a lot. Plus I'd get to hang out with Reno and Rude!”
“Protecting the company is important, and nobody does that better than the Turks!”
“They are hands on, are able to bend rules at times and aren't as bad as they seem.”
“Tseng seems like a decent boss, and the Turks see the most behind the scenes action.”

Let’s also check out some of your comments about the other divisions as well!

Weapon Development
“I have extensive experience being a human footrest.”

Peace Preservation
“I'd make SOLDIER and be just like Sephiroth and Zack!”

Science Department
“I want to find rare creatures and explore the possibilities of altering genetics.”

Space Program
“Space Program, it sells itself ^^ It’s also my lifelong dream to go to space.”

Thanks so much to everyone who voted!

In a few days FINAL FANTASY VII reaches its 25th anniversary since releasing in Japan on January 31, 1997, and to celebrate we’d like to hear from you which of the Shinra Electric Power Company’s divisions you would want to join!

Q: Which of the Shinra Electric Power Company’s divisions would you want to work under if you were to join the company?

Weapon Development

Headed by Scarlet, the lone woman of Shinra’s upper brass, this division builds powerful weapons including the massive mako cannon “Sister Ray.”

Peace Preservation

Directed by Heidegger, known for his outrageous laugh, the Peace Preservation Division encompasses military operations for Shinra.

Science Department

The division responsible for pushing forward the Jenova Project. Dr. Hojo has taken over duties as project leader due to the disappearance of the previous department head, Dr. Gast.

Space Program

Specializing in space research and development, but reduced in scope due to the failure of previous projects, the Space Program department is directed by the short-statured and sycophantic Palmer.

Urban Development

The department headed by Reeve, who has been a part in all development and management of Midgar. He puts the well-being of the citizens of Midgar first and is dedicated to the progression of Midgar as a city.

Administrative Research

An elite task force who handles a variety of special assignments, currently led by the cold and calculating Tseng. While its members are a unique bunch, they have an exceptional record for mission completion.

Q: Please tell us why.

Poll Duration:
January 27–February 3, 2022, 7:59 (GMT)

Cast your vote from the FF Portal App!

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