Happy birthday FINAL FANTASY!! The series celebrates its 37th anniversary in Japan on December 18!
Of the many FINAL FANTASY titles across the years, we’d like to feature one that shares its birthday with the FINAL FANTASY series itself and celebrates its 10th release anniversary in Japan this year – FINAL FANTASY EXPLORERS!

The world is at war over the greatest source of power in the world, the Grand Crystal. Players must band together to form an elite squad of Explorers, who venture out to collect pieces of the Grand Crystal to provide energy for the planet while fighting off hordes of monsters.

The game features robust multiplayer and a unique job system that classifies over 20 classic FF jobs as damager, tank, healer or booster, allowing deep strategic planning both alone and with friends. FINAL FANTASY EXPLORERS also allows for the creation of ally monsters from materials dropped by defeated monsters, giving your party an upper hand in battle!